Hair Transplant Surgery - Say Goodbye to Baldness

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Hair Transplant surgery is a cosmetic procedure performed on men and women who have significant hair loss, thinning hair, or bald spots where hair no longer grows. The procedure can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence through hair replacement (hair transplant) techniques that use your existing hair.
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is a natural metabolite of the human body and the main reason for hair loss in both male and female pattern baldness. In male pattern baldness hair typically grows only in a horseshoe shape around the head. Female pattern baldness is characterized by diffuse thinning of the hair on the entire scalp, although some women have hair loss that mimics male pattern baldness.
Am I candidate for hair replacement surgery/hair transplantation?
All hair transplant techniques use your existing hair (from “donor sites”) for transplantation techniques.
Hair transplantation for male pattern baldness depends upon the concept of “donor dominance” of hair follicles. That is, hair taken from the head below the top of the ears are genetically programmed to never fall out. Those hairs can be transplanted to the frontal hairline, never to be lost due to further balding.
Most women have female pattern baldness, and do not have donor sites usable for transplantation.  If the thinning pieces of hair and accompanying follicles are removed from one area and transplanted they will not be stable enough to grow.
How do I prepare for hair transplant/ hair replacement surgery?
Preparing for hair implant surgery at KAS Medical Center Clinic Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Center includes discussing a number of questions about your health, desires and lifestyle with your plastic surgeon, including:
  • Why you want the procedure, your expectations and desired outcome
  • Your medical conditions, drug allergies and medical treatments
  • Your use of current medications, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
Your Clinic plastic surgeon may also:
  • Evaluate your general health and any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors
  • Take photos of your hair loss for your medical record
  • Discuss your hair replacement surgery options
  • Discuss likely expected outcomes of hair replacement surgery and risks or potential complications.
What results can I expect?
Hair replacement surgery does not produce an instantaneous head of hair. In most cases, the hairs fall out of the grafts immediately after hair transplant and do not regrow for approximately three months. The donor sites gradually heal to leave slight scarring but this is concealed by “lifetime” hair growing around the site.
What is involved in recovery?
Most people feel well within a day or two following surgery, although they may have some facial and eyelid swelling.
Please call our patient co-ordinator or fill the online appointment form, to get an exact cost of your Hair Transplant Surgery. Feel free to contact us and book an appointment to call us @ 9958221983
Come & Consult today for Hair replacement surgery in Delhi, India. Get more details visit:
Contact Information:
Dr. Ajaya Kashyap
Delhi, India
Ph.: +91-9958221983

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